Friday 10 February 2012

Quick ShipContainer Test

Well looks like the Ship Container is a good thing to play around with modelling and texturing .... as once I'm happy with that prop, it'll dictate the verisimilitude of the rest of the scene.
As a quick guide - using shipcontainer textures from to start off some play.

Snapshot from Maya - showing Cube Poly with UV Layout.

Then a quick knock up bumpmap - using the original UVmap and clone brushing out the text...otherwise the white text will have relief.

Turnaround model in Unity

Quick Evaluation and Reflection of where next...

  • Several Versions of the Crate - for variety - particularly colour.
  • Geometry of Ship Container can be more detailed - particular door and latches. WATCH POLY COUNT!
  • UV Map is tooo simple - need unique sides and top / bottom too.
  • More refined bumpmap - and specular map to control specularity.
  • Hmm - Interior and working doors?
  • Text on Shipcontainers - particularly numbers would start looking repeated... need some replacement.
  • LOGO on Shipcontainers - hmmm... need to start thinking of a backstory to support this?

Further Box Modelling Ideas - playing with some lights

Trying out some lighting ideas.... particularly a night scene - giving a more dramatic opportunity for lighting - but also making it more logical that the player doesn't have access to doors etc, and lack of people and activity. Though could always go with the derelict look in daytime - hmmmm considerations.

Box Modelling Ideas

A quick 15 min simple box model blockout of the environment, to play with ideas of layout and get a sense of space, before getting down to some proper floorplans and elevations. Visual problems already considering - is the greater skybox - and looking out onto the ocean. Also keeping the player within the confines of the environment logically.

Someone out there must have done this before?

Excellent Crate Model and UV Texture...    created by Ray Kit Sum -
Very detailed model - 3000ish Tris.

For Shipyard Game Level - might have a mix of lower polygon crates that are in the distance and not interacted with, and some higher polygon ones that are in the main sceneography.

Visual Research...

The Brief
  • Create a contemporary small Cargo Ship Yard
    belonging to a fictious private company (not a commercial ship yard ) 
  • FootPrint - no bigger than 100x100 meters
  • PolyCount - 20,000 for entire scene.
First steps... A bit of research of cargo docks... a quick ten minute spin on Google Images...

Rusty, Distressed Textures are order of the day...  Dramatic Heights and a sense of higglydee pigglydee layout of ship containters. 

Obviously - Ship Containers are a win...  some more detailed reference images for scale and textures ideas...