Friday 10 February 2012

Quick ShipContainer Test

Well looks like the Ship Container is a good thing to play around with modelling and texturing .... as once I'm happy with that prop, it'll dictate the verisimilitude of the rest of the scene.
As a quick guide - using shipcontainer textures from to start off some play.

Snapshot from Maya - showing Cube Poly with UV Layout.

Then a quick knock up bumpmap - using the original UVmap and clone brushing out the text...otherwise the white text will have relief.

Turnaround model in Unity

Quick Evaluation and Reflection of where next...

  • Several Versions of the Crate - for variety - particularly colour.
  • Geometry of Ship Container can be more detailed - particular door and latches. WATCH POLY COUNT!
  • UV Map is tooo simple - need unique sides and top / bottom too.
  • More refined bumpmap - and specular map to control specularity.
  • Hmm - Interior and working doors?
  • Text on Shipcontainers - particularly numbers would start looking repeated... need some replacement.
  • LOGO on Shipcontainers - hmmm... need to start thinking of a backstory to support this?

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